Wednesday 9 March 2011

A loose covenant

When I made my first post here the other day I shared the link on Facebook with an addendum stating that I can’t tell you what this blog will be, but I can tell you what it won’t be. Chest puffed, I followed that with a bold “Just ask me”. No one did so I'll just go ahead and elaborate.

This won’t be a blog with no set rhythm. That isn’t to say I won’t post random whatever, whenever, because that’s half the fun. But I will give readers content consistency they can depend on.

Neither will it be a cheap extension of my freelance work at Mirror. My weekly column there is a privilege I am proud to hold, but I’m not doing this blog to draw you in so much as to give myself and any readership I have earned a chance to branch out. I will write about Montreal, and hip hop and all its ingredients, but Blog Clocker also aims to give a little you more to mull over.

That said, I will share artist interview segments that don’t make it to print at Mirror or other publications. Some of the stuff I am privy to that never makes it to print is a shame and so I will make a point to share it here, by text, audio and video when possible.

I have a few regular weekly, bi-weekly and monthly features in mind that will in time give you and me both a better understanding of what this blog will be, but instead of talking about them I’ll just get them going.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Hello, city

Whenever I write, I ask myself why the hell anyone should care what I think.

It occurs to me now that that very thought process is one reason unto itself.

Every single time I sit down to pen my weekly Block Clocker column for the Montreal Mirror, I start by asking myself that question. It isn't self-doubt, or self-awareness, but rather a rationale that I think distinguishes the degree of respect I actually have for anyone reading.

I write about hip hop and I love the shit. I cover the local scene and I believe in it. But I am a reporter first and foremost, so when I am by occassion greeted with snide remarks and mistrust, I get it, but I also keep in mind that I am lucky. I get to stand on the sidelines and watch. This is a relatively small city and it is hard not become close to the people I cover at times, but I am not embedded nor do I wish to be.

People (and not tons, but I'm sayin', enough to have made me think) have told me I am either too close to the scene, or not close enough. That is actually really encouraging feedback because it means that people aren't 100% sure where I stand. I like that. You aren't supposed to be.

With this blog I wish to continue and expand my coverage of hip hop, the city, and the people in it, and also give myself a chance to talk about what happens between us and in between us. This is not a hip hop blog, strictly. It is not an arts blog, strictly. It is not a news blog, strictly. It is just another voice, which is what I am, and what we all are.

I'll just give you reason to listen mine, whether you like it or not. Promise.